Heating and Cooling Services
Is your heating and A/C system working properly?
Your heating and A/C systems are under constant uses and may eventually break, causing you to have an uncomfortable ride. Each system is complex with many components that need to be all working properly for the best results.
If your heating system is not working properly it is important to have it checked out, because your engine cooling system may not be working properly either and an overheated engine can result in engine damage.
If you start noticing your A/C is not reaching those refreshingly cool temperatures, have your system inspected. In this situation, most cars will be low on Freon. And since the A/C is a sealed system, low Freon is a big sign that something is not right. It could be a small leak that needs attention or possibly part of the A/C is failing. Island Street Automotive will perform an A/C recover, evacuate and recharge of the system allowing us to add a dye into the system to properly diagnose a possible leak. The liquid used in the A/C system is called FREON which is a gas there for not allowing you to see a leak like you normally would with the other fluids in your car.